They've arrived

After a long overland journey from the UK, the recently purchased laptops (Toughbooks!) have arrived at the camp and are being prepared for use. Apparantely there is quite a buzz in the camp, with lots of young people eagerly waiting for their turn to get their hands on one. Many thanks to all of you that contributed towards this effort. Soon we hope to show you the pictures of happy young people using them.  These will be used in STEP's Child Friendly Space as part of their suite of programs. 

The reason we decided to raise money for these computers came as a result of a number of discussions with other agencies (Including the ILO), surveys amongst the young people at the Arbat Refugee Camp, and through informal chats with people at the camp. Through this process - it was clear that there was a need for more formal IT classes for young people, so we are very excited that we are now at the point of being able to launch this new initiative.

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